5 insights from the State of SaaS Integrations

Insights from the 2024 state of SaaS integrations

5 insights from the State of SaaS Integrations
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In February, the teams from Partner Fleet, PartnerStack, and Paragon unveiled their 2024 State of SaaS Integrations report. They surveyed leaders from over 100 B2B SaaS companies to understand the current landscape of integrations in their operations. As B2B SaaS buyers increasingly prefer specialized products over all-in-one solutions, the need for seamless integrations has never been more critical.
Dive into the full report here, the rest of the article will highlight some key takeaways that resonated with us at Lunch Pail Labs.

1. B2B SaaS prospects want integrations

The study found that integrations were a discussion point in 60% of all sales conversations. They found that their importance was consistent across verticals highlighting the critical role integrations play for buyers.

2. Integrations lead to lower churn

92% of the sample surveyed that had insight on the impact of integrations shared that customers who enabled integrations were less likely to churn.
This finding makes intuitive sense—integrated tools become deeply woven into a company's operations, making it harder to replace them.

3. Building integrations in-house takes time

About 75% of respondents indicated that developing an integration takes three months or more and the vast majority of companies are executing their integration strategies in house. The most time-consuming aspects include researching third-party documentation, debugging, and understanding new features—highlighting the challenges in both creating and maintaining integrations.

4. Companies invest heavily in integrations

The study showed that on average, six employees, mostly engineers, work on integrations. The average for companies with less than 1,000 employees was 10 suggesting some companies invest much more heavily on integrations than others.
As mentioned previously, most companies handle integrations in-house (80%), though some use embedded iPaaS and unified API tools. 50% of companies use a mix of strategies.

5. Don’t forget about the go-to-market!

The report emphasizes that go-to-market strategies for integrations are crucial yet often neglected. Many companies fail to utilize various channels for launching and promoting their integrations. While over half of the companies use social media and email for announcements the report showed educational content about the value of integrations is underutilized.
And that’s a wrap, highly recommend downloading the full report for the full insights. And remember, if you're seeking a partner to refine your integration strategies, that's exactly what we do at Lunch Pail Labs specializes in.

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Lola is the founder of Lunch Pail Labs. She enjoys discussing product, SaaS integrations, and running a business. Feel free to connect with her on Twitter or LinkedIn.