Sales-led vs. product-led vs. integration-led growth

An overview of different growth strategies and how integration-led growth is driving business expansion.

Sales-led vs. product-led vs. integration-led growth
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Integration-led growth is reshaping business growth strategies in the tech sector, offering a fresh perspective alongside traditional sales-led and product-led approaches. This article provides an overview of these strategies, highlighting their unique challenges and benefits. It also introduces integration-led growth as a compelling new pathway for companies seeking new ways to expand.
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Sales-led growth

At the core of any business growth strategy is the go-to-market motion. Traditionally, sales-led growth dominated, focusing on acquiring customers through direct sales efforts.
This approach required a robust sales team, personalized onboarding, and often premium pricing to justify the high cost of sales operations. Giants like IBM and Oracle exemplified this model, primarily targeting enterprise clients.
Sales-led growth strategies face several key challenges that can impact their efficiency:
  • High Costs: An extensive sales force and support infrastructure significantly increase expenses, affecting profitability.
  • Long Sales Cycles: Each prospect requires detailed attention, delaying revenue generation and impeding rapid scalability.
  • Scalability Issues: As the customer base grows, efficiently expanding without proportionally enlarging the sales team becomes challenging, raising sustainability concerns.

Product-Led Growth

Product-led growth (PLG) has become popular since 2016. It uses the product to get and keep customers. Companies offer freemium or free trials to let users try the product. Successful examples include Calendly, Figma, and Canva. They focus on easy use, fast value, and sharing with others.
Product-led growth presents unique challenges:
  • Monetization of Free Users: Converting free users to paid customers is often more difficult than expected.
  • Support for Free Users: Free users demand support and resources similar to paid customers, without contributing to revenue.
  • Engagement with Large Enterprises: The self-serve model may not meet the personalized interaction and tailored solutions expected by large organizations, limiting effectiveness in these segments.

Integration-Led Growth

Integration-led growth is part of ecosystem-led growth. It uses integrations with other services to gain customers, keep them happy, and grow. This method values partnerships, working together with other platforms, and being present in marketplaces.
HubSpot is an example of a company that has done well with this strategy. They have built a strong ecosystem around their platform that helps everyone involved grow.

Integration-Led Growth in Action

An illustrative example of this shift is the journey of the founder of Cycle, who transitioned from a PLG model with a freemium product to a more integration-led approach.
Since the shift, this pivot has impacted their growth, with a substantial portion of new signups originating from marketplace integrations with platforms like HubSpot and Linear.

Who is integration-led growth for?

Integration-led growth, in particular, excels for B2B software companies that offer products compatible with other tools. For those whose solutions are commonly used alongside other applications, pursuing an integration-led approach can open up new expansion opportunities.
For personalized guidance in navigating the integration landscape, Lunch Pail Labs is here to help. We're happy to discuss how integration-led growth can help you reach your business goals. Feel free to book an introductory call with us to chat.

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Lola is the founder of Lunch Pail Labs. She enjoys discussing product, SaaS integrations, and running a business. Feel free to connect with her on Twitter or LinkedIn.