5 methods to get real time data into your software integrations

Learn about 5 methods for getting real time data into software integrations

5 methods to get real time data into your software integrations
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When building integrations you may have to think about how to transmit data in real-time between integrations. Here's a breakdown of five dominant techniques that can keep your integrations agile and your data as live as it gets:

1. WebSocket

WebSocket technology facilitates a continuous two-way communication channel between a client and a server, allowing data to flow freely and instantly in both directions. It's akin to having an open phone line between two parties, where either can speak whenever they have something to say, without the need to redial for each new piece of information.
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  • Pros
    • Enables real-time, bi-directional communication.
    • Efficient in terms of network usage and latency.
  • Cons
    • More complex to implement and manage than traditional HTTP requests.
    • Requires compatible web server and client environments.

2. Webhooks

Webhooks work on the principle of "you call me when something happens." Instead of constantly checking for data updates (polling), a server will send (push) data to your specified URL endpoint when a particular event triggers it. It's like having a doorbell that alerts you whenever someone's at the door, eliminating the need to check every few minutes.
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  • Pros
    • Reduces the need for polling, saving resources.
    • Immediate data update upon events.
  • Cons
    • Handling the incoming data in real-time can be complex.
    • Requires setting up and securing an endpoint to receive data.

3. API Polling

API polling is the digital equivalent of repeatedly asking, "Are we there yet?" It involves making periodic requests to an API to check for data updates. While not the most efficient in terms of bandwidth and resource usage, it's straightforward and easy to implement.
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  • Pros
    • Simple to set up with almost any API.
    • Good for systems where real-time updates are less critical.
  • Cons
    • Can be resource-intensive and inefficient.
    • Latency depends on the polling interval.

4. Long Polling

Long Polling is an enhanced version of the traditional polling technique. Here, the server holds the request open until new data is available to send back, rather than responding immediately with potentially "empty" data. It's like calling a friend and them saying, "I'll get back to you as soon as I have an update," rather than you having to call repeatedly.
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  • Pros
    • More efficient than traditional polling.
    • Easier to implement than WebSockets for real-time updates.
  • Cons
    • Can still lead to server load and network congestion.
    • Connection timeouts can complicate the process.

5. Server-Sent Events (SSE)

Server-Sent Events enable servers to push updates to the client over a single, long-lived HTTP connection. It's a one-way street where the server keeps the client in the loop with fresh data as it becomes available, similar to a news ticker on a website that continuously updates with the latest headlines.
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  • Pros
    • Simple to implement on the client-side with standard web technologies.
    • Efficient for scenarios where updates are predominantly from server to client.
  • Cons
    • Limited support for Internet Explorer and older web browsers.
    • Not suitable for environments requiring bi-directional communication.
And that’s a wrap! By choosing the right approach for your application's needs, you can ensure that your users stay informed with the most current data at their fingertips, enhancing their experience and your application's responsiveness.

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Lola is the founder of Lunch Pail Labs. She enjoys discussing product, SaaS integrations, and running a business. Feel free to connect with her on Twitter or LinkedIn.