ZapConnect insights: 3 reasons to build a Zapier integration

Dive into key takeaways from Zapconnect that highlight the advantages of integrating with Zapier,

ZapConnect insights: 3 reasons to build a Zapier integration
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Last week, I attended ZapConnect, a free half-day user conference hosted by Zapier. The event featured Zapier team members and automation professionals covering a breadth of topics. In today’s article, I wanted to spotlight some interesting highlights from the conference that make the case for building an integration on Zapier, so let’s dive in!

1. Customers connecting to Zapier are more likely to upgrade

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Both Airtable and Autopilot (now Ortto) observed that customers connecting to Zapier are more inclined to upgrade. This pattern isn't new; typically, customers who integrate with numerous tools evolve into high-value users.

2. Zapier’s developer platform eases validation of integration use cases

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Utilizing Zapier accelerates the validation of integration use cases, enabling your team to progress swiftly with fewer resources.

3. Zapier’s partner API expands your app’s connectivity alongside native integrations

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Leverage Zapier’s partner API to showcase Zap templates and create workflows directly within your app. This capability transforms Zapier into a force multiplier for any SaaS business, connecting it to over 5000+ apps. Companies can feature Zapier integrations prominently alongside their native ones, as exemplified by Wuffoo (pictured above) in their integrations library.

Watch the conference on demand

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If you missed the conference, I highly recommend watching these sessions on demand they were a few of my favorites:
  • How to build your own integration on the Zapier Developer Platform by Katie Redderson-Lear: A step-by-step guide on building your own integration on the Zapier Developer Platform.
  • From scrappy to scaled: Grow your marketing and sales processes effectively by Philip Lakin: Useful tips on scaling marketing and sales processes using no-code, a must-watch for no-code ops professionals.
  • This one’s for the devs: How to make the most of the Zapier platform by Lisa Chapello: An overview of the benefits of Zapier’s developer platform along with compelling success stories.
  • AI and entrepreneurship: Insights from OpenAI and Zapier between Sam Altman and Wade Foster: Insights from the co-founders and CEOs of OpenAI and Zapier on the future of entrepreneurship.
  • Seamless app integration: How to build with Zapier's Partner API by Michelle Chu and Ryan Powell: An in-depth look at using the partner API to integrate Zapier into your site while maintaining your app’s aesthetics and user experience.
That’s all for now! If you’re keen on Zapier development and need a partner, Lunch Pail Labs is here to help. With our knack for building and managing software integrations, we’ll help you unlock Zapier's full potential to boost your app’s connectivity and user experience. Feel free to reach out for a conversation.

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Lola is the founder of Lunch Pail Labs. She enjoys discussing product, SaaS integrations, and running a business. Feel free to connect with her on Twitter or LinkedIn.