How to set up a Zapier app with the platform CLI

Learn how to set up Zapier apps with the platform CLI

How to set up a Zapier app with the platform CLI
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Zapier is a powerful tool for connecting your SaaS with numerous other platforms. If your service isn't already among the 6000+ integrated with Zapier, creating a Zapier app is your starting point. Zapier offers
For insights on choosing between Zapier Platform CLI and Zapier Platform UI, refer to this comparative article.
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1. Ensure Node Compatibility

Confirm you're using the correct Node.js version, which is currently v18 for Zapier's CLI. Switch or install Node.js v18 as needed:
To switch versions:
nvm use v18
To install: if you don’t have v18
nvm install v18
Windows users should use nvm-windows.

2. Install Zapier CLI

Install the CLI tool globally:
npm install -g zapier-platform-cli

3. Log in to Zapier

Log in using the command line. For social logins, like Google, use:
zapier login --sso
Next, generate a deploy key and input it.
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4. Initialize Your App

Start a new Zapier app project with:
zapier init new-app

Choose a template to bootstrap your integration from the available options.
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Navigate to your new app's directory:
cd new-app
And that’s a wrap! This completes the environment setup and app initialization and gives an overview of the process Zapier's own setup guide is also a very useful resource. Need Zapier app support? Lunch Pail Labs is here to guide you through the process. Connect with Lunch Pail Labs to explore how a Zapier app can benefit your business.

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Lola is the founder of Lunch Pail Labs. She enjoys discussing product, SaaS integrations, and running a business. Feel free to connect with her on Twitter or LinkedIn.