A zen approach to debugging code

Debugging doesn’t have to be frustrating chaos. By staying organized, testing systematically, and zeroing in on the root cause, you can turn the process into a methodical and even satisfying challenge.

A zen approach to debugging code
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Debugging is like pineapple on pizza—controversial, inevitable, and part of the process (yes, pineapple belongs on pizza!). Your software will break—it’s not if, but when. The challenge? Figuring out why it’s broken and how to fix it.
We've all been there—frustrated, stuck in endless loops of trial-and-error, getting nowhere. But debugging doesn’t have to be that painful. By staying organized and treating it like a structured experiment, you can keep calm and maybe even enjoy the process. Here’s how to turn debugging from stressful rage mode into something zen.

1. Get organized

Stop rage debugging. When you're just firing off desperate attempts without tracking progress, it’s chaos.
Instead, approach debugging like research. Document everything—errors, what you've tried, what you've learned. Tools like Notion, a simple doc, or even sticky notes work. This transforms the chaos into a methodical process where you can see patterns and track progress.

2. Start with what you know

Write down what you know. Don’t skip this—getting everything down clears your mind and helps isolate the problem.
What’s the error message? What changed recently? What’s the environment like? Jotting these down forces clarity, and clarity leads to faster solutions.

3. Experiment and test

Now that you’re organized, it’s time to test. Debugging is all about hypotheses—make small adjustments, test them, and track the results.
Be methodical. Avoid making random changes without thought—each test should be deliberate. Even if a tweak doesn’t work, it’s progress. You’re eliminating causes and getting closer to the real fix.

4. Zero in on the cause

Once you’ve ruled out a few possibilities, you’ll start to see patterns. Now, narrow it down. Focus on isolating the specific code, dependency, or configuration that’s causing the issue.
This is where debugging becomes satisfying—it’s like solving a puzzle. With fewer variables in play, the answer often reveals itself.

5. Apply the fix and verify

You’ve identified the cause, now fix it. But don’t stop there—verification is critical. Test the fix in all relevant environments to ensure the problem is truly solved. Be thorough.
Revisit your earlier notes and test cases to ensure the solution holds up. Once confirmed, document what worked for future reference—it’ll save you time next time (there’s always a next time).
By following these steps, debugging goes from rage-inducing to productive. Stay organized, experiment, and systematically close in on the solution. What's your process for debugging? I'd love to hear about it. Send me a note.

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Lola is the founder of Lunch Pail Labs. She enjoys discussing product, SaaS integrations, and running a business. Feel free to connect with her on Twitter or LinkedIn.